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Welcome back!

Welcome back to all of our lab members, both old and new. We hope everyone had an amazing summer and is ready for the fall 2020 semester!

Whether you'll be in Atlanta or you're only taking classes virtually, we're looking forward to including everyone in our ongoing research.

To start off the new school year, we'll be having our Friday lab meetings every other week (starting on Friday, August 14th) over Zoom. We're looking forward to discussing ways for everyone to be involved with the lab's work no matter where they are in the world.

No matter what, remember that mosquitoes suck!

What we've been up to this summer:

Cleaning out the entire stock of pellón at fabric stores across Atlanta:

Heading back out to Baker Woodland while it's still mosquito season:

And hopelessly trying to find out where our blood was delivered with campus' new shipping procedures:

(Don't worry! We eventually found it. Now, we just have to figure out where our xylene solution is...)


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