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Over a decade of research on the role of heterogeneity (individual, spatial, temporal) on arbovirus transmission dynamics has unveiled the critical role of specific traits on pathogen transmission. We have developed a novel framework to study the overlapping nature of couplings between functional heterogeneities relevant for vector-borne disease transmission. We argue that research efforts should move beyond considering the impact of single sources of heterogeneity and account for complex couplings between conditions with potential synergistic impacts on parasite transmission. Using theoretical approaches and empirical evidence from various host–parasite systems, we investigate the ecological and epidemiological significance of couplings between heterogeneities and discuss their potential role in transmission dynamics and the impact of control.
2021 - 2022
Emory Global Health Institute
Understanding the differential response to dengue and Zika virus infection

2019 - 2021
Emory University MP3 Initiative
The Sum of the Parts: Understanding the Interaction between Individual and Population Immunity to Dengue, Viral Diversity, and Transmission Dynamics
This project will integrate high resolution immunological information on recent and prior dengue virus infections with whole-genome sequencing and spatial analysis with the ultimate goal of developing susceptibility landscapes that may help predict the risk of future virus transmission.

2014 - 2019
National Institutes of Health
Quantifying Heterogeneities in Dengue Virus Transmission Dynamics
The goal of this project is to quantify heterogeneities in human variables that affect dengue virus transmission dynamics and prevention by studying people across the entire continuum of disease, including people with clinically inapparent and mild infections.

Our Role: Co-Investigator
National Science Foundation
Macro-Ecology of Infectious Disease
NIH/NSF/FIC (EEID) 1316223
The goal of this project is to extend the ecological discipline of macro-ecology to the study of parasites and rules defining their distribution, emergence, and epidemiological role.

2016 - 2018
Emory University Research Council (URC)
Urban Ecology of West Nile Virus in Atlanta, GA
Emory University Research Council Grant
The goal of this project was to characterize the role of host and mosquito species community composition, spatial heterogeneity, and seasonality on West Nile virus transmission dynamics.