ENVS 120: Living in the Anthropocene
Introduction to environmental sciences through overarching hot-button research topics in earth science, ecology, resilience, and sustainability. Human impact on the environment will be discussed and debated through interdisciplinary analysis of case studies. Appropriate for majors and non-majors.
ENVS 140: Environmental Change and Health
Human and environmental health are incredibly intertwined. This course will introduce the relationships emerging between humans, animals and environmental change and examine health issues, scientific understanding of causes, and possible future approaches to global environmental and health problems.
ENVS 460: Research Design and Methods in Environmental Studies
This course will provide the necessary skills and support for students to conduct research in a field of environmental studies through a series of lectures and engaged learning.
ENVS 299R / 399R / 499R: Undergraduate Research
In these individual research courses, research skills are developed and refined under supervision of an ENVS faculty member.
ENVS 459 / ENVS 559: Urban Ecology and Development
Urban ecology is broadly defined as the study of interactions between organisms and communities with urban environments and of the linkages between them and human activities. By taking a global perspective, this course will provide the foundations of urban ecology.
ENVS 483 / ENVS 583 / EH 583: Spatial Analysis in Disease Ecology
This course examines patterns of health in place and time, application of geospatial technologies for epidemiology, analysis of time-space relations, clusters and diffusion of disease, and the spatial ecology of selected infectious and non-infectious diseases.
Scholarly Inquiry and Research at Emory (SIRE) is a great program that funds undergraduate students interested in pursuing independent research.
Summer Undergraduate Research at Emory (SURE) is a great program that funds undergraduate students interested in pursuing independent research during the summer.